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Citizen Kane: Reference Sources

Resources for research on Citizen Kane for Prof. Brown's English Classes

Getting Started

Do you have your topic?

A good way to start your research is to investigate some reference works.  Reference sources provide background information and related topics. The material on the right includes books in our reference collection as well as a link to online reference books. 

You can use the books in the building while the online material can be used in the building or from home.

You will need your N# and pin to use the online database from home.

Books in Print and Online Reference

These print books,located in our Reference area on the first floor of the Library, have basic biographical information about William Randolph Hearst and Orson Welles. Use the call numbers listed to locate the books on the shelves.

Title    Call Number
Dictionary of World Biography Ref. CT104.D54 1998
American National Biography    Ref. CT213.A68 1999
Encyclopedia of World Biography   Ref. CT103.E56
World Film Directors    Ref. PN 1998.2.W67
Encyclopedia of Orson Welles Ref. PN1998.3.W45 B47 2003


The Gale Virtual Reference Library provides full-text articles that may be printed, downloaded or emailed. Search for Hearst, Welles or Citizen Kane. The EBSCO ebook collection has many ebooks with information about the film and related topics. 

 Click on the links below to access the databases.