Alan Creedy is one of the most trusted voices in the funeral profession because of his deep-rooted experience and unflinching honesty when offering advice.
The Order of the Good Death is a group of funeral industry professionals, academics, and artists exploring ways to prepare a death phobic culture for their inevitable mortality.
The International Conference is a not-for-profit voluntary association providing examination services, information, and regulatory support to funeral service licensing boards and educators, governmental bodies and other regulatory agencies.
The Nassau-Suffolk Funeral Directors Association (NSFDA), founded during the mid-1980s, is an organization of New York State Licensed Funeral Directors and New York State Registered Funeral Firms.
NFD&MA is a membership association of professional funeral directors and morticians and embalmers, whose members and members-at-large are also members of state associations of funeral directors, morticians and embalmers dedicated to promoting the common professional and business interests of its members.
The Champion Expanding Encyclopedia of Mortuary Practices is published and disseminated to the embalming/funeral service profession and related professions in an effort to educate, inform and advance the knowledge and expertise of practitioners in the profession.
The National Museum of Funeral History houses the country's largest collection of funeral service artifacts and features renowned exhibits on one of man's oldest cultural customs.
Green, or natural burial is a way of caring for the dead with minimal environmental impact that aids in the conservation of natural resources, reduction of carbon emissions, protection of worker health, and the restoration and/or preservation of habitat.