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Introduction to Sociology: APA Citations from Databases

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Citations from the Databases

Most of the databases now provide citations for articles. You must locate the tools box and look for the link to cite or citation tools.

This is the tool box for all EBSCO databases such as Academic Search Complete and Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection. Once you click on the Cite link, you will be given all possible citation formats for the article. Copy and paste the citation into your works cited page. Be sure to check that titles are capitalized and formats are correct.


 If you are using a database such as Newsday or Historical New York Times, click on the cite link in the tool menu above the article.

undefinedSelect the latest APA edition (or the version required for the assignment) version of the citations you are using!

CQ Researcher and CQ Weekly also generate citations for you.  Click on the Cite Now! link and then select APA from the choices.




Databases Without a Citation Generator

Some databases will give you general form information for citations, but will not create specific ones for you. Follow the instructions  if given or go to the citation generator tab for more information.

This database does not create specific citations:

Science Direct

APA Citation Help

Are you using another person's ideas or quoting from the original work itself?

  • Both are great ways to make your points.
  • Both require giving credit to the author. 

Use in-text notation after a quote or paraphrase.

List the author and work on your Reference List page.

Check the APA handout and the links below. 

NCC APA Style Sheet

Purdue University Online Writing Lab: APA Formatting

KnightCite Citation Generator from Calvin College Library

NCC Writing Center