We live in a society largely driven by science and technology. As more scientific and technological issues dominate public debates at national and international levels, it is important to ensure that our students become global citizens who are scientifically literate. However, many students have poor attitudes and low engagement levels toward the learning of science. This book puts forward an argument that we should capitalise on the affordances that digital technologies offer in enabling better science learning, the general technological interest and knowledge of young people and the motivating influence of technology for learning, to foster the development of scientific literacy in students.
New York Times bestselling author Daniel J. Levitin shows how to recognize misleading announcements, statistics, graphs, and written reports revealing the ways lying weasels can use them. It's becoming harder to separate the wheat from the digital chaff. How do we distinguish misinformation, pseudo-facts, distortions, and outright lies from reliable information? Levitin groups his field guide into two categories--statistical infomation and faulty arguments--ultimately showing how science is the bedrock of critical thinking. Infoliteracy means understanding that there are hierarchies of source quality and bias that variously distort our information feeds via every media channel, including social media. We may expect newspapers, bloggers, the government, and Wikipedia to be factually and logically correct, but they so often aren't. We need to think critically about the words and numbers we encounter if we want to be successful at work, at play, and in making the most of our lives. This means checking the plausibility and reasoning--not passively accepting information, repeating it, and making decisions based on it.
This book provides an overview of social media technologies in the context of practical implementation for academics, guided by applied research findings, current best practices, and the author's successful experiences with using social media in academic settings. It also provides academics with sensible and easy strategies for implementing a wide spectrum of social media and related technologies - such as blogs, wikis, Facebook, and various Google tools for professional, teaching, and research endeavours. No other book exists that assists academics in learning how to use social media to benefit their teaching and research The editor has an extensive background in social media teaching, consulting, research, and everyday use All the contributors come to the book with a common goal, from various expertise areas and perspectives
An OER book with many useful tips for teaching fact checking to students.
Useful Articles on the need to educate students about social media and reliability:
Blue Feed, Red Feed See Liberal Facebook and Conservative Facebook, Side by SideTo demonstrate how reality may differ for different Facebook users, The Wall Street Journal created two feeds, one “blue” and the other “red.” If a source appears in the red feed, a majority of the articles shared from the source were classified as “very conservatively aligned” in a large 2015 Facebook study. For the blue feed, a majority of each source’s articles aligned “very liberal.” These aren't intended to resemble actual individual news feeds. Instead, they are rare side-by-side looks at real conversations from different perspectives.
How the Professor Who Fooled Wikipedia Got Caught by RedditT. Mills Kelly encourages his students to deceive thousands of people on the Web. This has angered many, but the experiment helps reveal the shifting nature of the truth on the Internet.
How to Spot Fake NewsBy Eugene Kiely and Lori Robertson, Posted on November 18, 2016
Meet the Professor Who's Calling Out ClickbaitThe article presents an interview with Melissa Zimdars, an assistant professor at Merrimack College. Topics include her creation of a list of popular but unreliable news websites that published decontextualized, misleading, or unreliable information, the influence of the list's websites on the attitudes of voters in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, and her creation of the list as a resource for her students.
Undergraduates' Use of Social Media as Information SourcesSocial media have become increasingly popular among different user groups. Although used for social purposes, some social media platforms (such as Wikipedia) have been emerging as important information sources. Focusing on undergraduate students, a survey was conducted to investigate the following: (1) which social media platforms are used as information sources; (2) what are the main reasons for using these social media platforms for information seeking; and (3) what kinds of actions are taken to evaluate the quality of the information gained from such sources. The study provides a snapshot of current trends in terms of the use of social media as information sources. It also sheds lights on the actions that the undergraduate students took to evaluate information from social media, including social networking and video sharing sites that have rarely been studied previously. Based on the findings, suggestions are made for information literacy programs and roles of librarians and educators.