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Callings: the Purpose and Passion of Work (Common Text 2020-2021)

Resources related to assignments and classwork for the 2020-2021 Campus Common Read Text.

Projects and Lessons using StoryCorps

Included on this page are instructions for downloading and using the StoryCorps app. Due to the pandemic, StoryCorps has developed an additional platform called StoryCorps Connect for using StoryCorps in a safe, remote environment when this is called for:

Students can click the link below for Instructions on Setting up an account and using StoryCorps connect (also see video below)::


Visit the StoryCorps Education Page:

Lesson Ideas

In 2019, Dave Isay came up with the idea of  The Great Thanksgiving Lesson as vehicle for classrooms everywhere to join as a community in celebrating and contributing to the power of Stories. The Teacher Toolkit that was developed can be adapted in multiple ways. For example, the pandemic has presented us with an opportunity to take this unprecedented "pause" and draw families, friends, and neighbors toward each other in ways that just never seem to happen in our "normal" bustling routines. Students can discover that they are surrounded by compelling, profound stories that  might remain discreet and in the shadows, and that they can be instrumental in drawing these out from people who many times are eager to tell stories that they never thought would be so  meaningful to others.

Use the link below or download the PDF for some great ideas to introduce to StoryCorps  or the StoryCorps app in the classroom and allow students to get involved, whether through mini-lessons are larger projects:


Teacher Toolkit:


StoryCorps Connect for Remote Interviewing

Tips for Effective Interviews