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ART 103: Prof. Guest's Patronage Project: Websites


Evaluating Websites

Before you use material from the Internet, evaluate the site by asking:

WHO- is the author or sponsor ? Is it a reliable person, site?
WHAT- information is provided ? 
Does it match other information from valid sources?

WHEN- was the information posted/updated ? Is it current?

WHERE- does the information come from? Is it a reputable source such as .edu or .gov?

WHY- is the information there? Is it there to inform and educate without bias?

Find out more about credible sources in this tutorial.


Catherine de' Medici

Catherine de’ Medici. Digital ID: 1210492. New York Public Library


The domain tells you the source of your website.

.EDU = college or university

.GOV = government agency

.ORG= organization

.COM = commercial website

.NET = network

For reliable information, look for sources with .edu or .gov endings.