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LibGuides @NCC: Getting Started: 2. Links and Lists

About Links and Lists Boxes

A Links and Lists box presents resources, online or not, with brief descriptions below them.

Descriptions are limited to 256 characters. Additional descriptive text, unlimited in size, can also be added. This text will be in a pop-up that appears when the user clicks on the icon.

(See Link Options for the differences between Links and Lists, Simple Web Links, and links in text boxes.)

Star Ratings

Users can rate items in a Lists and Links box from one to five stars.  The average rating will be shown next to the title.  (The default is no rating.)

User ratings are optional for linked and listed resources.

Adding/Editing Items in a Links and Lists Box

Adding items to a Links and Lists box:

  • Click on Add a new Link
  • Fill in the fields in the new link form (see the screenshot below) as follows:
    • Link Title: The name of the resource.
      • Check the box next to the lock icon if it is a restricted resource.

    • Link URL: The web address of the resource, if it is online
      • Make sure to include the BC proxy prefix for a restricted resource, either by including it with the link URL or by checking off the "Add proxy URL" box (but not both).
      • Leave blank if it is not an online resource.
    • Description (Optional): A description of the resource, no more than 256 characters.
    • More Information (Optional): Additional descriptive text with no character limit. Appears in a pop-up window.
  • Click on Create Link

Editing items in a Links and Lists box:

  • Log in to the page with the box you want to edit.
  • Click on the tools icon next to the item you want to edit. This will bring up the link form.
  • Edit whichever field or fields you want to change. (You can also choose to delete the item.)
  • Click on Save Changes.

Reordering items in a Links and Lists box:

  • Click on Reorder Links at the bottom of the box.
  • Drag and drop the links into the order you want.
  • Click on Update Link Order

Note: Descriptive text about a Links and Lists box as a whole can be entered at the top of the box.

Subject Guide

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Marsha Spiegelman
Nassau Community College Library
1 Education Dr.
Garden City, NY 11530