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Distance Education/Online Learners: Articles and Databases

What is a Database?

See full size imageA Database is a collection of  digitized articles, book chapters and other information from reliable sources.

Select one of the databases listed in the right column to locate information about the topic you are researching.

All of the resources in these databases come from magazines, newspapers, journals and books. Although they are delivered through the Internet, they are not considered "Internet Sources" by your professors. 

Articles from the databases may be printed, saved to a drive or emailed for later use.

To use Library databases from home, you will need your NCC N# and PIN.

Personal Accounts

Want to save your  articles, save your searches or create alerts for new articles on your company? Most of the databases allow you to create personal accounts where you can make folders for your articles or set up alerts.

The links below provide information on setting up personal accounts in the major databases. Not all companies offer this service but it is a good idea to set up accounts with those that do.

Personal Folder Instructions

Most databases now offer personal accounts.  These allow users to save and retrieve articles remotely, save search histories, create alerts, organize favorite articles and share with others.

The links below provide information for individual databases.

Does the Library Have the Article I Need?

Sometimes you may find a citation or reference to an article.

To see if we have the article, jot down the journal title, volume #, date and pages.

Use our Journal Search link to search for the journal in SearchAll. If it is available in one of our databases, it will show up on the results list.

Then, just search by journal title for the issue you need.

Choosing a Database

NCC Library subscribes to many databases. Some are general databases that cover many subjects while others are very specific and apply to a particular discipline. 

Depending on the topic of your research, you may want to start with a general database and then select a specialized one in your field. 

You will need your N# and PIN to use these databases off-campus. Access the databases here:

A-Z Database List

Some of our general databases are:

  • Academic Search Complete
  • Academic Onefile (scholarly journals, magazines and news)
  • Opposing Viewpoints
  • CQ Researcher (one topic per issue)
  • Gale eBooks (online reference books and encyclopedias)
  • Historical New York Times

Some of our specialized databases are:

  • CINAHL (nursing and Allied Health)
  • ScienceDirect
  • Gale Literature
  • Literary Resource Center
  • Literature Criticism
  • Bloom's Literary Reference
  • Business Insights: Essentials
  • Business Source Complete
  • Environment Complete
  • Gale in Context: U.S History 
  • Gale in Context: World History

Google Scholar

Use Google Scholar for academic papers and books. Not all will be full text. Check our databases for holdings.

Google Scholar Search

Why Not Just Use Google Search?

The Internet is a great place to find good restaurants, hotels and basic information about many things.

Google, the top search engine, makes finding that information easy. 

 When you are doing research for a college assignment, however, it is important to find valid, reliable information from credible sources. Databases will give you that kind of information.