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Reading 001 Project: Types of Articles: Newspapers

What is a Newspaper Article?

Newspapers have these qualities:

  1. Articles are accurate and factual.
  2. Articles are balanced and give both sides.
  3. Articles are objective and unbiased.
  4. Articles are clear and concise.
  5. Articles are recent.

Some useful newspapers for this assignment are:

  • New York Times
  • Washington Post
  • Newsday
  • Boston Globe
  • Christian Science Monitor

You may find a great article in a newspaper from another city or state, but try to use U.S. papers.


Do not use tabloids:

  •  Daily News x
  •  New York Post.x

The Choosing Articles tab will list databases for newspapers and show you how to limit your search to newspaper articles!

Article Formats

How can you find articles?

Most of our newspaper articles are available digitally in our databases.

Some recent newspaper articles are available in print in room L102.

Some newspaper articles are available through the web.

The Choosing Articles tab will help you locate what you need!

Which is NOT a Newspaper?

Which publication is not a newspaper?

Which is NOT a Newspaper?
Chicago Tribune: 3 votes (2.11%)
Los Angeles Times: 5 votes (3.52%)
Sports Illustrated: 71 votes (50%)
San Francisco Chronicle: 63 votes (44.37%)
Total Votes: 142