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Reading 001 Project: General Onefile

General Onefile

Gale General Onefile is a database with  great information about many subjects.  Check out the information on this page to learn more about how to use General Onefile.

General Onefile

General Onefile has great information about many subjects.  It can be searched by keyword or subject terms and provides articles from magazines, journals and newpapers.



Use the tools on the right side of the results list to print, email or save your articles.

Find Articles in General Onefile

You can do a keyword search and combine your terms with AND

For instance if you are looking for articles about driving and texting:


A list of full text articles about driving and texting will be displayed.  Click on the titles to view them.


You can do a Subject search and then search the subdivisions.

Try the subject, Distracted Driving.


Then choose a subtopic from the subdivisions.


Click on a subdivision such as Prevention, to view a list of  magazine articles about how to prevent distracted driving. Click on the title to view the full text of the article.
