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Reading 001 Project: Types of Articles: Magazines

What is a Magazine Article?

Popular magazines have these qualities:

  1. Magazines have glossy pages, photos and advertisements.
  2. Articles are written in a style that everyone can understand.
  3. Articles are usually 1-5 pages.
  4. Material in the articles is reliable and accurate because is is checked by editors and fact-checkers.
  5. Writers are journalists who may focus on a subject or may cover many areas.

 Some useful magazines for current topics include,

  • Time
  • Newsweek
  • US News & World Report
  • The Nation                                                 

Magazines for business include,

  •  Forbes                         
  •  INC
  • Fortune
  • Money

Other popular magazines include,  You may find a great article ina magazine you've never seen before!

  • Latina
  • Sport Illustrated
  • Essence
  • Psychology Today

The Choosing Articles tab will show you how to limit your search to magazines.

Article Formats

How can you find articles?

Most of our magazine articles are available digitally in our databases.

Some of our magazine articles are available in print at the Reserve Desk.

Some magazine articles are available through the web.

The Choosing Articles tab will help you locate what you need!

Which is NOT a magazine?

Which publication is not a magazine?

Which is NOT a magazine?
Sports Illustrated: 11 votes (4.49%)
Newsday: 170 votes (69.39%)
Vibe: 28 votes (11.43%)
Newsweek: 20 votes (8.16%)
Essence: 16 votes (6.53%)
Total Votes: 245