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IDEAS: Integrated Disciplinary Education for Academic Scholarship: Symposium 2013

IDEAS Faculty Learning Community

 Do the limitations students sometimes exhibit in basic academic skills ever frustrate you?

Are you open to strategies to address these needs, as well as enrich the quality of student performance in your classes?

Would you enjoy sharing professional  ideas and experiences with colleagues across disciplines on our campus?

Our cross-disciplinary group of up to 10 faculty members is forming now. Become part of it! We will meet on 8 Tuesday afternoons, from 2:30 to 4:00 pm beginning in November and continuing monthly throughout the spring.  Session dates are 11/26/13, 12/10, 1/28/14, 2/11, 3/4, 3/25, 4/22, 5/6.

 Our FLC will review best practices in higher education that infuse core academic skill development into all disciplines of study. Competencies include time management, active and critical reading of college texts, high and low stakes writing, content driven verbal discourse, critical thinking, and information literacy. We will discuss social and emotional competencies as well.  We will explore instructional design integrating these skills to help students achieve the content goals of our disciplines and better manage their future academic challenges.

 Share your views and successful teaching strategies.  Receive, read and respond to scholarly works, including John Bean’s acclaimed text, Engaging Ideas: The Professor’s Guide to Integrating Writing, Critical Thinking, and Active Learning in the Classroom. Actively participate in interdisciplinary workshops led by colleagues as our guest facilitators. Unwind!  Exhale! Then apply IDEAS and new techniques to your own classes.

 All interested faculty are welcome.  Newer faculty members will find this experience especially helpful.  Participation will be fully documented as an extended professional growth experience for inclusion in promotion and tenure applications.

 Make connections… embrace IDEAS.

 Contact Professor Suzanne Liff  by November 11, 2013 for more information.

FLC 2013-14 Schedule

  IDEAS Faculty Learning Community

"The sources of the truest truths are inevitably profoundly personal."

Saul Bellow, Preface, The Closing of the American Mind

2013-2014 Program

November 26   

Starting Strong

Introductions and FLC Overview

Share our fondest pedagogic "dreams"

Creating purposeful & effective course outlines

December 10

Active, Critical Reading of College Texts

Pre and post reading strategies

Self-monitored and focused expository reading

January 28   

Writing to Learn

Low stakes writing to engage the learner
      with Professor Darshna Katwala, Reading & Basic Education Program

February 11

Raising the Bar in Writing

Connecting with content; thinking critically, and formalize the writing process
       with Professor Robert Lazaroff, English


March 4

Critical Thinking & Elevated Verbal Discourse

Strategies to foster scholarly classroom discussion
      with Professors Laura O'Connell, Communications

March 25   

The Information Literate Classroom

Integrating databases & evaluating digital text
             with  Professor Marsha Spiegelman, Library
April 22   

Applying our IDEAS in the Classroom

   Member presentations

May 6

Applying our IDEAS and Assessment

   Member presentations and reflections